Of course, Gunawan Jusuf receives the highest regard as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Sugar Group Companies, one of the largest business organizations in Indonesia, but even that underplays what he actually does. The Sugar Group Companies is actually not one company, but a collection of companies that grow and refine sugar for the purposes of creating a variety of sugar products, many of which are enormously popular. In addition to making sure they all work in concert for a single purpose, it means Gunawan Jusuf must oversee plantations and refineries that spread all over Indonesia, as well as more than ten different Sugar Group Companies offices that are located all over Indonesia.
It was that experience that makes it seem like a natural that Gunawan Jusuf recently published a book entitled “Blue Gold,” that examined the value of water as our most important and valuable commodity. The book includes a frank discussion about the relative scarcity of water as a lot more than just the source of all life. Given his business background, Gunawan Jusuf should certainly understands better than most people how precious and valuable natural resources can be to both life and business.
As the CEO of Sugar Group Companies, Gunawan Jusuf has been able to nurture a very high level of growth of a number of sugar products, such as Gulaku, a premium, commercial, refined sugar product that is a household name all over Indonesia. It is not the only product, however; the company features many other popular products. That is one reason why Gunawan Jusuf’s tenure has been so remarkable.